Weather Summary For 02/18/2006
Temp: High; -10.3 C/13 F, Low; -21.1 C/-6 F
Total Precip: None
Note: Peak sustained winds of 30 mph/48 km/h, with frequent peak gusts up to 50 mph/81 km/h, occurred through out the predawn and daylight hours.
One instances of sustained winds briefly (for less than 10 minutes) reaching 40 mph/64 km/h, with two peak gusts of up to 60 mph/97 km/h, occurred in the predawn hours.
Coldest day of the season, and the year, thus far.
Total Precip: None
Note: Peak sustained winds of 30 mph/48 km/h, with frequent peak gusts up to 50 mph/81 km/h, occurred through out the predawn and daylight hours.
One instances of sustained winds briefly (for less than 10 minutes) reaching 40 mph/64 km/h, with two peak gusts of up to 60 mph/97 km/h, occurred in the predawn hours.
Coldest day of the season, and the year, thus far.
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