Weather Report For Johnson Settlement NB Recorded At 2100 UCT On 09/15/2005
Temp: 20.7 C/69 F, High; 23.4 C/74 F, Low; 15.5 C/60 F
Hum: 73%
Bar: 1018 mb/30.08 Inches; Holding Steady
Sky: Overcaste; Altostratus & low level Cumulus, with moderate smog/ground level ozone
Wind: Calm
Precip: None
Total Precip: (to current time) 2 mm/0.08 Inch
Note: None
Hum: 73%
Bar: 1018 mb/30.08 Inches; Holding Steady
Sky: Overcaste; Altostratus & low level Cumulus, with moderate smog/ground level ozone
Wind: Calm
Precip: None
Total Precip: (to current time) 2 mm/0.08 Inch
Note: None