Monday, July 31, 2006

July Weather Summary

Highest Temp: 32.1 C/90 F

Lowest Temp: 9.1 C/48 F

Mean Temp: 11.5 C/53 F

Highest Humidity: 81%

Lowest Humidity: 45%

Mean Humidity: 63%

Highest Barometric Pressure: 1023 mb/30.21 Inches

Lowest Barometric Pressure: 1001.5 mb/29.57 Inches

Mean Barometric Pressure: 1012.25 mb/29.89 Inches

Highest Wind Speed (gust): 50 mph/81 km/h

Highest Sustained Wind Speed: 20 mph/32 km/h

Lowest Wind Speed: 0 mph/0 km/h

Mean Wind Speed (counting gusts): 20 mph/32 km/h

Highest 24 hour Rainfall: 31 mm/1.22 Inch

Monthly Total Precip/Rainfall: 139 mm/5.47 Inches

Weather Report For Johnson Settlement NB, Recorded At 2100 UCT On 07/31/2006

Temp: Current; 23.9 C/75 F, High; 27.3 C/81 F, Low; 10.1 C/50 F

Hum: 56%

Bar: 1006 mb/29.72 Inches; Holding Steady

Sky: Mostly Cloudy; Altocumulus, Cirrus and Cirrostratus

Wind: West; 2 gusting to 4 mph/3 gusting to 6 km/h

Precip: None

Total Precip: None

Note: None

Two areas of potential long term tropical development are meandering in the Western Atlantic today, as depicted by a Surface Chart created this afternoon. Neither will effect any land regions, including our own, in the foreseeable future. Posted by Picasa

Two areas of potential long term tropical development are meandering in the Western Atlantic today. Neither will effect any land regions, including our own, in the foreseeable future. However there are signs that at least area 1, might threaten the Eastern Season, if it does indeed become a tropical cyclone, in the long term (beyond 7 days, or one week). Posted by Picasa

Weather Summary For 07/30/2006

Temp: High; 23.5 C/74 F, Low; 12.1 C/54 F

Total Precip: None

Note: Brief peak wind gusts of 30 mph/48 km/h, occurred between the morning and the afternoon hours.