Thursday, August 03, 2006

Weather Report For Johnson Settlement NB, Recorded At 2100 UCT On 08/03/2006

Temp: Current; 24.1 C/75 F, High; 28.4 C/83 F, Low; 15.9 C/61 F

Hum: 60%

Bar: 1005 mb/29.68 Inches; Holding Steady

Sky: Mostlyly Sunny; Altocumulus, with light smog

Wind: South; 3 gusting to 6 mph/5 gusting to 10 km/h

Precip: None

Total Precip: 1.5 mm/0.06 Inch of rain, in the predawn hours

Note: None

Yesterday Highlights

Temp: Low; 18.6 C/65 F

Note: Lowest Humidity of the month, thus far, 45%, recorded at 7:00 PM Local Time (ADT).