Friday, May 16, 2008

Saint John River Flooding in New Brunswick: Saint-Jacques Region Road Repairs Summary

River Watch 2008
NB-EMO Update / Road repairs continue in Saint-Jacques region (08/05/15)
NB 735

May 15, 2008

FREDERICTON (CNB) - The following is released today by River Watch 2008 and the Department of Public Safety's New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization on Thursday, May 15:

NB-EMO advises residents of the Saint-Jacques region that repairs are continuing on the Rivière-à-la-Truite Road. The road is adjacent to the Rivière-à-la-Truite, with one portion within city limits and the other outside. Work is scheduled to begin tomorrow, Friday, May 16 on the municipal portion. Repairs are now completed on the portion that is outside the city.

The Department of Transportation will be providing additional maintenance services to the Trois Milles Road to keep the driving service in good condition until repairs are complete on Rivière-à-la-Truite Road.

Saint John River Flooding New Brunswick Disaster Recovery Statement

Disaster Recovery Spring 2008 / Update information (08/05/15)
NB 734

May 15, 2008

FREDERICTON (CNB) - The following is released by River Watch 2008 and the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization on Thursday, May 15, 2008.

There are now two offices open to assist residents in applying for the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) Program. Both centres are open between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Edmundston: Suite 407 at 121 rue de l'Église, Edmundston, 506-735-2550.
Fredericton: 65 Brunswick St., 1-800-561-4034.

As of this morning, the Service New Brunswick flood recovery line had registered a total of 1,539 calls from residents and small business operators reporting damage throughout the province.

A total of 779 inspections were completed as of noon today.

Residents must report their flood damage and register for the Disaster Financial Assistance program (if they have not already done so) by calling 1-888-298-8555, or online at People only need to register flood damage once for each property they own.

Claimants may be eligible for an advance on their claim of up to $4,000. Advance payments assist home and business owners by giving them funds immediately to pay for urgent work that will enable them to re-occupy their property as quickly as possible.

All applications for Disaster Financial Assistance must be received by the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization on or before June 27, 2008, in order to be eligible for consideration.

Saint John River Flooding in New Brunswick Update 8

River Watch 2008 / Water level bulletin (08/05/15)
NB 731

May 15, 2008

FREDERICTON (CNB) - River Watch 2008 and the Department of Public Safety's New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization are cancelling all flood watches today, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

The weather forecast for the next couple of days is fair; as a result, the decreasing water levels will continue, although water levels may fluctuate in response to tidal influences.

Water flows and levels are now low enough that it would take a very major rainfall event to reverse this trend in a significant way. Therefore, daily River Watch bulletins will be suspended until weather or river conditions warrant further updates.

As of 12 noon today, the water level in Jemseg was 4.17, which is below the flood stage of 4.3.

The River Watch 2008 staff will continue to monitor conditions, and bulletins will be issued as required.