2013 Climate Summary for Nothern & Eastern Maine
The average temperature at Caribou during 2013 was 40.8 degrees, which was 9 tenths of a degree (0.9F) above the 30-year average. It was the coolest year since 2009. There were a total of 26 days with a high temperature of 80 degrees or warmer, and 2 days with a high temperature of 90F or warmer. There were 173 days with a low temperature of 32F or lower, and 38 days with a low temperature of zero or lower.
The high temperature in 2013 at Caribou was 94 degrees on July 15th. This was the warmest temperature at Caribou since 1991. The low temperature in 2013 was 21 below zero on January 18th.
A total of 50.16 inches of rain (and melted snow) was observed in 2013. It was the 5th wettest calendar year on record. It continued a recent trend of very wet years. Four of the top 5 wettest years having been observed since 2005. Prior to 2005, one had to go back to 1954 to find the last year that there was in excess of 50 inches of rain and melted snow. Yearly snowfall (which differs from seasonal snowfall) was 133.3 inches...which was 22.6 inches above average.
The average temperature at Bangor during 2013 was 44.5 degrees, which was three tenths of a degree (0.3F) below the 30-year average. It was also the coolest year since 2009.
There were a total of 35 days with a high temperature of 80 degrees or warmer, and 6 days with a high temperature of 90F or warmer. There were 170 days with a low temperature of 32F or lower, and 19 days with a low temperature of zero or lower. The high temperature for the year was 92 degrees on July 15th. The Low temperature for the year of 16 below was observed on December 17th and again on the 31st.
A total of 40.06 inches of rain (and melted snow) was observed in 2013...which was 1.87 inches below normal. Unlike caribou which had one of its wettest years on record, it was the driest year at Bangor since 2004. Yearly snowfall was 82 inches...which was 15.9 inches above normal.